I nostri affiliati ottengono il riconoscimento del CONI, del nuovo registro RNASD (Sport&Salute) e del RUNTS 3478804318 info@libertasvda.com

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CNS Libertas APS

Centro Regionale Sportivo Libertas Valle d'Aosta APS - SITO IN AGGIORNAMENTO - Libertas Valle d'Aosta

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  • Centro Regionale Sportivo Libertas Valle d’Aosta APS – SITO IN AGGIORNAMENTO


Even a child knows how valuable the forest is. The fresh, breathtaking smell of trees. Echoing birds flying above that dense magnitude. A stable climate, a sustainable diverse life and a source of culture. Yet, forests and other ecosystems hang in the balance, threatened to become croplands, pasture, and plantations.